lol...akhirnyer, parents si amir nie da, aku pown da nek malas plak dok umah orang lame2...hurm...that's pretty much of my story today...TTYL!~
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Finally aku check out from resort kat bk6...for EVER!
Posted by Alan DeGenerous at 2:27 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Guy's Night Out!!~ Thank you so much guys...U guys really made my day...And it made me feel better..
- Time kitorang jalan2 di BB, ade la sorang laki nie...die tnye aku...bleh speaking aku ckp je ar bleh...(tgh speak ar nie)...then...die tnye plak bleh ckp bahase melayu...(muka aku nie x macam melayu ke????)...then...straight to the point ar senang cite...die tu bapak ayam...die nak jual hooker ar tu... = =" .....but no thank you...kitorang nie budak2
- Kene halau dari Pavillion sbb da nak tutup pintu...time tu kitorang sume menyanyi2@lepak2 kat baskin robbin.....
- Si Safiq nie plak lagi bagus...time nak gerak kate duit ade ckit jer...tgk2 die la yg paling kayo kat situ..aiseyman...kantoi time die nak beli mineral kat 7E...
- SO, kitorang tgk cite The Losers...kalau tgk tajuk ngan cite die..mcm x padan...but it's one of my favourite action movie..with a small dose of humour...
- Kitorang gi bergambar ngan kete2 org2 kaye dari Singapore...wah..kete sume stock lamborghini jer....kalau nak beli kete tu...mmg x makan smpi tua ar cite nyer...die pnyer road tax ngan insurance je pown da macam harga downpayment banglo yg besar2 gle...
Posted by Alan DeGenerous at 12:46 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Leona Lewis - I Got You (Official Music Video)
Posted by Alan DeGenerous at 12:32 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Can't Sleep...Have too much to think about...
April 21 -- 05:40 a.m
Posted by Alan DeGenerous at 2:37 PM 0 comments
Why did I felt this way????
Posted by Alan DeGenerous at 1:55 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 19, 2010
Demam + Selsema + Sleepover = Disaster...
Dear blog,
I've just recovered from my fever (probably caused by the lady I saw in the woods with a blue scarf, it's kinda creepy)
But, I still didn't recover from my runny nose...Damn..rasa macam budak hingusan...
As u guys might know, Amir Faeiz is having a sleepover and he invited me and Safiq;
Here are the exact dialogue when he invited me
Amir Faeiz : Alan, mggu dpan parents aku gi umrah...2 minggu die gi sane...nak lepak tdo umah aku x?
Me : Nak buat ape???
Amir Faeiz : Ala...lepak2 ar jom..bosan ar...aku dok umah sorang je ngan adik aku n nenek aku...
Me : Sape lagi lepak????
Amir Faeiz :Ko try ajak Safiq ar...ajak Hadif sekali...
Me :Ko ar ajak die...ko yg nak ajak kitorang lepak umah ko...*pandang slek je kat die*
Amir Faeiz : Wei...aku xder krdt ar...aku topup RM10 je minggu nie...Ko pakai youthclub...safiq da r pakai celcom...
Me : Asyik2 gune alasan same...
Amir Faeiz : Ko ngan aku pon nak berkira...aku da ar slalu belanja ko...
Me : Ye ar..Ye ar...zzz..nak mengungkit...
Amir Faeiz :*die buat muka*
***Sms Safiq,Hadif...Hadif x sure...Safiq confirm***
Me :Aku x sure lagi ar...tgk ar dlu camne...
Amir Faeiz : Wei..please ar dtg...bosan ar...xder org kowt..
Me : Aku x leh janji ar...mane ar tau ade hal ke...
Amir Faeiz : Please ar...
***and the conversation went on and on and on...***
***OK...mgkn nie bkn THE EXACT its more than 70% accurate***
So, at this exact moment, aku tgh tulis blog, dgr lagu...maybe mlm nnti kitorang x tdo kowt..maybe we all going to watch DVD until our eyes sore like we have a constipation problem..
Till then,
Posted by Alan DeGenerous at 5:29 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Adventure of A Sleepy Boy : Mountain Climbing title sounds like a prequel movie...~.~
Last Thursday,I've slept for 2 hours...and last night,I've slept for only 1 ½ hours...damn I'm crazy..considering that I have to go climb some shit mountain of some sort...sounds adventurous???U bet...
This morning, I woke up around 7.50 a.m...*notice that I kunci my alarm in my phone which was suppose to ring at 6.30 a.m*
I slept like a cow???If you've had guessed that, you would've been correct...YES!!!I tidur mampos!!!like, totally KO!!!
So,that morning, my sister was suppose to pick me up at Amir's at 7.00 a.m...but I guessed she joined the club too...*if u didn't get what I am trying to say here,knock your head to the wall till u see strawberry juice squirting from your ears/eyes/forehead...FREE JUICE*
Owh...I didn't mention this...I slept at Amir's house last night...helping his family with some stuff for the kenduri doa selamat which his parent anjurkan pada xx/xx/2010...
So,to summarize the story, she was late...she picked me up at 7.50 a.m. --- which is the real reason I woke up at that specific time...
She called me....she called me...she called me....see this sentences???multiply it by 5...akhirnya aku bangun jugak...because that ringtone keeps bugging I have to rush because we planned to go to that place(Bukit Takun) at 8.30 a.m...Since I am sleepy, I've drank Livita and Redbull...---sugar rush for about an hour or so----
So, with my air liur basi still on my cheeks(its just an expression...its not actually there..LOL), we departed from our home to that place...
-- we have to redah that hutan first...then we reach the top of the hill...posing2 for some pics...then we climb that batu kapur thingy...
And...did I mention that I saw a ghost????It's just a glimpse of it...or her...or whatever...
Ok...da malas nak tulis panjang2 sgt...
So,here are some pictures !!!!
*P.S:Gambar2 yg diambil time kitorang tgh panjat batu kapur tu sblum kitorang nak gi panjat tmpt tggi2...ble da pki tali2 sume tu untuk rock climbing,kitorang da stop posing for the camera...*
Posted by Alan DeGenerous at 2:36 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 16, 2010
Today Was A Fairytale...NOT!!!!!!
Last night, I slept for 2 hours only...2 HOURS!!I slept from 4 a.m to 6 a.m...then, my sister and bro woke me up..darn...they kicked me >.<...they told me they were late for, me, as usual, with my muka basi; sent them to their school...what a good way to kick start my "wonderful" morning..
Okay, the real reason I woke up so early because we had a plan to go out...(when I said we, what I meant is my friends and I)...
Venue : It's secret..let's just say that the place's name start with the letter K.....
So, we went to K at 12.00 p.m this afternoon...jalan plak, with that sluggish motion of my friend's car, we finally reached that place around 1 p.m...(my other friend already waited for us for about an hour...damn I am a terrible friend)...
Skip to the highlight of the day --- we arrived at the mall we wanted to go...wanted to watch a movie, but can't because we had to get back to fetch someone around 4,we just jalan2 cari makan...literally we cari,we ate at the food court...before that,here's a funny friend suggested that we should eat at Sakae Sushi...
The story starts here...I am not sure that the food they served there are, we asked the waiteress...but that waiter doesn't seems to understand what we were trying to friend cuak already because he ate at that restaurant before and his friend told him that it was halal...but there wasn't a "Halal" logo, that clueless waiteress call her manager...and the manager told us that the food they served are halal...but we still in doubt, we just browsing through the menu...and we all said the same thing..."this looks good","this one looks delicious","rase meleleh plak air liur"...and after all that "sweet talk", WE WALKED AWAY LIKE THERE WAS NOTHING HAPPENED THERE!!!!
That waiteress look at us, ANNOYED...LOL...
So, after that, nothing interesting was like any other day...we pusing2 seluruh tired...slept in the car...and voila ~~~ sprained my was definitely not a fairytale...
till then,
Posted by Alan DeGenerous at 5:05 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 15, 2010
When I say that "your timing is impeccable",what I actually meant was,"your timing blows"
Ok..My first day blogging...I have to complaint about my uncle...Man he was generous...he offered me a trip to Albania for a whole month as a present for my academic achievement bla bla bla...but, there's a hiccup...the trip starts from 29 April...Owh man...he's "very good" with planning...when I was busy about getting into matriculation/UPU,etc...he plans to go on a vacation...And I said to myself, "Should I go???Man, its once in a lifetime chance...but why now?????why didn't he asked me last month??Or last year???OMG...MY VACATION LAST FOR A MONTH!!!!What should I do during that time???With no friends,and he busy; working during the first week of the I, reluctantly, rejected that offer...damn...Albania is in my list of "things to do before I get married or die"...

Posted by Alan DeGenerous at 10:53 AM 0 comments