Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Why did I felt this way????

Aku rase mcm aku nie dipergunakan...rase susah hati...rase mcm diketepikan...aku xtau nape nasib aku mcm nie...setiap kali something that looks good from the outside is in my grasp,it slipped away easily,right before I have the chance to open it...Im torn apart by this feeling...rase mcm aku da kehilangan the most important part of my life...nape aku perlu rase mcm nie???

Aku nie x ckup bgus ke????apsal everyone has to treat me this way????kenapa???????

Aku tau nie sume dugaan sebegini lebih perit dari kesakitan fizikal yg ade dlm dunia nie...who am I to say these kind of shit???WELL I CAN BECAUSE I'VE EXPERIENCED IT IN MY LIFE!!!

When I really need someone to lean on....dia xder!!!!
Tapi ble die need someone to lean on..."my shoulder is all yours"

May I say that dunia nie x adil...NO I MAY NOT...orang laen pown ade masalah...dunia nie x berpusing di sekeliling aku....

I felt like I've been jabbed by a rambo knife..and ade orang merobek jantungku semahu-mahunye...ape yg aku bleh buat????rasa mcm da give up dgn aku still nak hidup...