Monday, April 19, 2010

Demam + Selsema + Sleepover = Disaster...

Dear blog,

I've just recovered from my fever (probably caused by the lady I saw in the woods with a blue scarf, it's kinda creepy)
But, I still didn't recover from my runny nose...Damn..rasa macam budak hingusan...
As u guys might know, Amir Faeiz is having a sleepover and he invited me and Safiq;
Here are the exact dialogue when he invited me

Amir Faeiz : Alan, mggu dpan parents aku gi umrah...2 minggu die gi sane...nak lepak tdo umah aku x?
Me : Nak buat ape???
Amir Faeiz : Ala...lepak2 ar jom..bosan ar...aku dok umah sorang je ngan adik aku n nenek aku...
Me : Sape lagi lepak????
Amir Faeiz :Ko try ajak Safiq ar...ajak Hadif sekali...
Me :Ko ar ajak die...ko yg nak ajak kitorang lepak umah ko...*pandang slek je kat die*
Amir Faeiz : Wei...aku xder krdt ar...aku topup RM10 je minggu nie...Ko pakai youthclub...safiq da r pakai celcom...
Me : Asyik2 gune alasan same...
Amir Faeiz : Ko ngan aku pon nak berkira...aku da ar slalu belanja ko...
Me : Ye ar..Ye ar...zzz..nak mengungkit...
Amir Faeiz :*die buat muka*

***Sms Safiq,Hadif...Hadif x sure...Safiq confirm***

Me :Aku x sure lagi ar...tgk ar dlu camne...
Amir Faeiz : Wei..please ar dtg...bosan ar...xder org kowt..
Me : Aku x leh janji ar...mane ar tau ade hal ke...
Amir Faeiz : Please ar...

***and the conversation went on and on and on...***
***OK...mgkn nie bkn THE EXACT its more than 70% accurate***

So, at this exact moment, aku tgh tulis blog, dgr lagu...maybe mlm nnti kitorang x tdo kowt..maybe we all going to watch DVD until our eyes sore like we have a constipation problem..

Till then,